Disclaimer: This is an English translation of an Amharic article taken from VOA Amharic and is intended solely for information purposes.
VOA Amharic – Food shortages have caused a severe humanitarian crisis in five woredas in Amhara Region
January 17, 2025
VOA News
Severe food shortages have broken out in Bugna Woreda of North Wollo Zone and in four woredas in Wag Hemra Zone according to a research study by Woldia University.
Local officials have said humanitarian support problems in the area have reached a concerning level.
According to a research study in Woldia University in Woldia city of North Wollo Zone food shortages in these areas has created a crisis which has already left 19 people dead including women and children.
Voice of America’s Africa Branch Amharic Services has received the research report covering four areas of Bugna Woreda between December 21 to 22 (Tahasass 12 to 13).
Ato Getachew Sewnet, who told Voice of America he was among five members of the research team selected from Woldia University and the team leader, spoke to residents in select areas and had heard there were persons who died.
The Amhara Region Disaster Prevention and Food Security Coordinating Commissioner Ato Tesfaye Batabil was asked about the research and responded, “it is known there is a food problem in Bugna Woreda. For this reason, we are sending humanitarian relief to the area.” He said the ongoing support is helping to feed children, “the research from Woldia University was not have approval. It was not reviewed. It will however be reviewed in the future. It was not undertaken with approved evaluation points. But for now, it has not been approved by the government. When this kind of problem occurs, people may die but this needs to be verified through research. Therefore, the university’s research was not approved and was conducted without the knowledge of the government.”