Here's how you can help advocate

Email Campaign
Dear Ethiopian-Americans,
We need your help to let Congress know that Amharas are under attack by the TPLF, who have launched an invasion on Telemte, Raya, North Wollo, and the Afar region.
The US State Department has been silent until now on the TPLF invasion and occupation of parts of the Amhara & Afar region - a move which has led to the violent displacement of tens of thousands of civilians.
Our goal is to push our members of Congress to issue their own statements condemning the TPLF's offensives against the neighbouring Amhara and Afar regions, and the resulting human rights violations against civilians there.
Congress must call on the Biden administration & the international community to deplore these attacks and hold the TPLF accountable.
Instructions: fill out the form to generate a pre-written email to your congressional Representative & Senators.
Phone Campaign
Hi, my name is [Add your name here] and I live in [City & State].
I am calling because I am seriously concerned by the military incursion into the Amhara Region by the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), defying the unilateral ceasefire declared by the Ethiopian Government. The TPLF is attacking Wollo and Gonder in the Amhara Region, while committing serious war crimes by mobilizing child soldiers to fight. Hundreds of thousands have been displaced, and thousands of Amharas killed.
I am asking you, as my representative [Representative's Name] to denounce and condemn this military incursion by the TPLF into the Amhara Region, using child soldiers. I worry if you do not speak up to condemn these attacks on civilians, the fighting will continue to spread and more innocent people will die and be displaced.
Click these links and enter your zip code
Your local representatives' name & contact details will appear
Call them & use the script above to demand justice
If there is no answer, leave a voicemail
If you have any questions, get in touch info@AmharaAmerica.org
Twitter Campaign
The International Amhara Alliance are running Twitter campaigns over at their site www.amhara.net
Help us apply pressure on policy makers, journalists and other public figures using social media.
Head over to the site and take part in the Twitter campaign by clicking the link below.