Disclaimer: This is an English translation of an Amharic article taken from DW Amharic and is intended solely for information purposes.
DW Amharic - A fire in Merkato-Addis Ababa has caused significant property loss
October 22, 2024
Today morning our Addis Ababa correspondent Seyoum Getu reported that firefighters were working to put out the fire up to this afternoon. Individuals identifying themselves as local officials however forcibly destroyed information gathered by the journalist.
Yesterday night a fire in the Merkato market area in Addis Ababa city led to widespread property destruction. The fire which was centered around a building in the market center known as Shema Tera had burned until this morning. This morning our Addis Ababa correspondent, Seyoum Getu, who surveyed the area, reported that firefighters were working to put out the fire up to the afternoon. Individuals identifying themselves as local officials destroyed the information gathered by the journalist regarding the fire. We have been unable to produce a full report regarding the repression by the officials. However we have spoken to Seyoum in brief regarding the extent of damages caused by the fire.
Negash Mehamed
Mantegaftot Sileshi