Disclaimer : AAA is a U.S. based NGO that documents human rights violations in the context of conflict, violence and political repression. One of AAA's core activities is also to educate policymakers, journalists, researchers and other stakeholders with up-to-date information on developments in Ethiopia. AAA does not endorse any political parties or organizations based in the U.S. or Ethiopia.
September 16th, 2024
Amhara Fano and Civilians Provide Food and Livestock to Ethiopian National Defense Force POWs for Ethiopian New Year, Showcasing Compassion Amid Regime Brutality
I don't blame the Oromo people. The way Adanech Abebe, Shimelis Abdisa, and Birhanu Jula portray the Amhara people, as if the Amhara people target and kill Oromos, as if we want to wipe out Oromos. I don't blame them because this is what they teach them.
I don't blame them since many don't speak Amharic.
I don't hate the Oromo people, Fano doesn't hate the Oromo people. It's Shimelis Abdisa, Birhanu Jula, and Abiy Ahmed that we hate. It's those leading the executive branch, those who claim it's their turn to rule that we hate.
Those who kill and take pictures. Those who slaughter a 5 year old while she's begging them saying, "wallahi I will never be Amhara again."
Those who behead people and feed them to hyenas. How can we have sympathy for these kind of people?
It's because those at the top who give them orders are traitors.
For us, the Oromo people are not our enemy.
Even now, and this is the case for all our fighters, even if we have feud with you, even if we fought each other on the battlefield, you are now in our hands.
A brave fighter doesn't hit you after you're hit, doesn't kill you after you've surrendered.
We are brave. We are the sons of Asaminew Tsige, we are the sons of Atse Menelik. It's a lesson we learned from our forefathers. This is not something we learned from Berhanu Jula.
We want you to understand this. You should not have any doubts. Your injured compatriots are getting treated, they're all getting treated. We're giving them medical treatment.
When you've asked for money from your families, we've provided your families bank accounts and transferred the money to you. This is the truth, I didn't add any lies to this.
If you believe in the cause, tomorrow you might fight Birhanu Jula and Abiy Ahmed along side me. If you don't believe in the cause, you can go home to your family.
Many of you are brave, but your leaders like Birhanu Jula are cowards. It's because you were following their orders that you got captured.
But from now on you will have the hearts of Fano. This is why we came to make sure you don't go hungry or thirsty.
Look how Fano has treated you, look how the people you were oppressing have been bringing 8 to 10 injera (food) everyday to feed you.
Even now, they have not turned their backs on you. It's because they saw us. There are some who said, "why don't you kill them like they killed our children?" But we said, "no, that's not how it works."
Is there anyone that even gives you a side eye? No
Asaminew, bring the cattle and give it to them.
There is money sent to them from their families.
Who was it that was sent money? Mohammed, are you Oromo?
Mohammed: No, I'm Hadiya.
Come take your money.
And for the rest of you, your money is on its way. Don't worry.
Bring the cattle. Make way.
Bring the cattle.
You have to be happy. You will eat with us what we have.
The people are bringing injera for you right now, they're contributing for you.
Representative Amsa-Aleqa [lieutenant] come and take the cattle.
This cattle was donated by the Amhara people. They said that "even if they (ENDF) killed us, raped us, and looted us yesterday, we are not vengeful and killers like them." They said, "we want our brothers to celebrate the new year with this cattle."
As for Eastern Amhara Fano [Amhara Fano in Wollo], even though our brothers have killed us and burned our bodies, we don't believe in doing that to human beings and would like to give them this cattle. Thank you.
Video Credit: Ghion TV