Disclaimer : AAA is a U.S. based NGO that documents human rights violations in the context of conflict, violence and political repression. One of AAA's core activities is also to educate policymakers, journalists, researchers and other stakeholders with up-to-date information on developments in Ethiopia. AAA does not endorse any political parties or organizations based in the U.S. or Ethiopia.
Updated July 21st, 2024
For the week of July 15th to 21st, 2024, fighting between Amhara Fano freedom fighters (Fano) and Prosperity Party regime joint forces (regime forces) including the Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) has continued in various parts of Amhara Region in Ethiopia. In addition, various attacks and abuses have been carried out against Amhara residents in the Amhara and Oromia Regions by regime allied forces including the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) and Oromia Region Special Forces (OSF).
Fano forces carried out operations targeting regime camps and stations resulting in regime casualties and capture of equipment. In addition, operations were carried out in or near major cities including Bahir-Dar, Gonder, Debre-Markos, Woldia and Debre-Birhan.
Incidents of attacks on youth and students by joint regime forces has reached alarming levels. In Kimir-Dingaye town of Guna-Begemidir Woreda (South Gonder Zone, Amhara Region), ENDF soldiers raped 43 female students after forcing them to accept military escort then holding them captive when they were en route to their homes after writing exams in Debre-Tabor University. Over 100 youth were taken hostage in Wedi-Gemzu Kebele of Metemma Woreda (West Gonder Zone, Amhara Region).
In Raya-Alamata Woreda (North Wollo Zone, Amhara Region), TPLF militias and Tigrayan officials continue to enter en masse with backing from Federal forces despite protests from native residents.
Reports indicate a recent BBC article featured a falsified story primarily based on testimony from regime officials describing an alleged incident in Qwara Woreda (West Gonder Zone, Amhara Region).
In Amaya Woreda (West Shewa Zone, Oromia Region), OSF carried out an attack on Amhara civilians causing displacement of residents.
In Abe-Dongoro Woreda (Horo Guduru Wollega Zone, Oromia Region) OSF carried out systemic looting of animals belonging to Amhara residents.
