Disclaimer: This is an English translation of an Amharic article taken from The Ethiopian Reporter and is intended solely for information purposes.
The Ethiopian Reporter – A call for support to Amhara detainees and their family members
September 25, 2024
Yonas Amare
A well known political figure has issued a call for support to high-profile detainees of Amhara background and their family members.
The call was issued by Dessalegn Chanie (PhD) delegqte of the National Movement of Amhara (NaMA) and member of the House of Peoples’ Representatives who said he had seen how family members of Amhara “prisoners of conscience” including politicians, journalists and professionals’ are facing problems.
Dr. Dessalegn explained although he sought out some individuals with some capacity to provide assistance to family members of detainees, he did not receive sufficient results which left him feeling deeply troubled.
The family members of the detainees have between four and five children, they are faced with significant education related costs, and many rent housing and have many other obligations, and called upon the public to lend support. He also called on the international community to listen to the plight of these Amhara politicians, journalists and professionals who have been detained without justice for nearly 2 years, and to advocate for a solution.
Dr. Dessalegn explained on his Youtube page that a significant number of people charged under the court record of Dr. Wondwossen have been detained for nearly 2 years, this was in relation to the problem in Amhara Region which began starting from August 2023 (Hamle 2015 EC), and he went on to mention that there were other individuals and journalists detained under the court record of Ato Yohannes Buayalew. He said he was aware that among these Amhara detainees there were people who were suffering from denial of medical treatment in addition to other forms of abuse and suffering.
The politician said he had not only followed the case of the detainees but also the circumstances of their family members, “for many of these families they were their main source of income so since their arrest the family’s income has been disrupted. If we are unable to help these families then there is no one else to provide help for them. I do not believe our detained brothers committed any crime. I believe they were arrested for their political views. They were arrested for their involvement in advocating for the rights of the Amhara people. If they were guilty of any crime, the past year and six months provided more than enough time to form charges and prosecute them. However what was happened is they have been detained for a prolonged period and have been made to suffer while their families face serious problems”, he said of his stance on the matter.
Dr. Dessalgn said though he was not able to meet with all of the family members of detainees, he was able to visit some and observe their situation, and he further explained that he tried to provide support from his personal salary.
He mentioned they would not expect much given the current state of inflation and the economy, however he said supporting these family members of prisoners of conscience was a duty expected of everyone. Dessalegn issued a call to support family members of these Amhara detainees in thinking of the cause for which they were imprisoned for, and he explained he would cooperate for sharing of addresses to facilitate connecting with these family members.
The case for over 11 detainees under the court record of Dr. Wondwossen Assefa is being followed in court, and these include journalist Gobeze Sisay, journalist Genet Asmamaw, journalist Dawit Begashaw, Prof. Meskerem Abera and Dr. Sisay Awgichew. And the case of those under the court record of Ato Yohannes Buayalew is being followed in court, including House of People’s Representatives member and NaMA delegate Ato Christian Tadele, Dr. Kassa Teshager and Dr. Chanie Kebede. And under the court record of Melak Misale are Ermias Mekuriya, Commander Getawaye Tadesse and other detainees whose case is also being followed in court.