Disclaimer : AAA is a U.S. based NGO that documents human rights violations in the context of conflict, violence and political repression. One of AAA's core activities is also to educate policymakers, journalists, researchers and other stakeholders with up-to-date information on developments in Ethiopia. AAA does not endorse any political parties or organizations based in the U.S. or Ethiopia.
UPDATE - Former Amhara Special Forces Commander and prisoner of conscience General Tefera Mamo releases a video statement on July 10, 2024, over one week after announcing his decision to join Amhara Fano freedom fighters. Calls for others within the Ethiopian security structure to join him.
July 11, 2024
To the Amhara people and supporters of the Amhara people, I, General Tefera Mamo, have officially joined Fano.
As the Amhara people, based solely on their identity, have been slaughtered, tossed away like chickens, killed, displaced, and had their properties destroyed across the country, international governments have looked on in silence while the Ethiopian people watch in shock. In order to defend itself from identity and ethnic-based attacks, the Amhara people, through the gallant fighting of its brave children, have entrapped the regime of the bridleless Prosperity Party. Even now, we are in the middle of a fierce fight to bury the enemy. Because of this, today I would like to announce to the Amhara people and the friends of Amhara that I have joined the gallant Fano, who have been fighting in the forests, cliffs, and mountains, to provide my skills to defend the Amhara people's right to life.
Based on this, I would like to make a call for the following groups.
Firstly, to the respected Amhara people and friends of the Amhara struggle:
Telling the Amhara people that there has been a decades-old systematic and state-planned attempt to wipe them out is like telling funeral attendees about someone's passing. Even though the Amhara people have been pleading "stop killing us", the response has been dismissive remarks like "pass them a tissue", "screaming is their habit", and "we've broken the neftegna (Amhara)." Beyond mocking us, in an attempt to destroy the spirit of the Amhara people, they have burned a pregnant woman alive and shown us the horrifying sight of the fetus bursting into flames. They have tortured children, made them scream in agony, slaughtered them like chickens, and tossed their bodies aside. And had us watch it all. Because of this, in order to uproot and remove the bridleless Prosperity regime from its base, I call on all Amharas to continue supporting the Fano's fight for your survival, without falling for enemy propaganda. In addition, to the Fano fighters, I ask you to accept the forces that will be coming to you in waves with respect and dignity.
Secondly, to the security forces within the Amhara region, especially the Amhara Riot Dispersal Forces, militia, and police:
The Amhara Fano is fighting neck and neck with the enemy in the forests, cliffs, and mountains to free you from enslavement. Beyond fighting for your freedom, Fano is battling to destroy the bridleless Prosperity regime that has declared genocide on your identity. You must understand this quickly and stop fighting on the side of the enemy, and from this minute and hour on, I call on you to join Fano.
Thirdly, to the Ethiopian National Defense Force:
Our country Ethiopia's respect around the world was earned through the sacrifices of our forefathers and former defense forces, who gave their blood and bones. They have taken you away from protecting Ethiopia's borders and are humiliating your dignity. Instead of upholding the dignity of the Ethiopian National Defense Force, they have turned you into a herd of prisoners of war, dying like dogs and living a worthless life. Since they are trading on your blood and bones while they enrich themselves, I call on you to turn your guns on your leaders and stand with the Amhara Fano struggle.
Fourthly, to the diaspora around the world:
I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the support you have shown to the Amhara people's struggle. I urge you to continue supporting the Amhara Fano struggle by any means you can.
Fifthly, to the people of Tigray:
There is no issue between the people of Amhara and Tigray that should be resolved through the barrel of the gun. Every issue or problem should only be resolved through dialogue. Because of this, I send my brotherly message to you: we must persistently fight against the conspiracy being connived by the TPLF and Prosperity Party leadership.
Finally, I would like to express my joy to the Amhara people for joining the Amhara struggle. I also want to thank the Amhara Fano leaders and Fano members everywhere for welcoming me so warmly from the bottom of my heart.